
Parallel, Series, Raptor & DNA chip Box Mods Authentic Hybrid US Handmade Luna Mods Box Mod Execptional Intrernal builds Unique 1-of-a-Kind Exterior 26650 &18650 Regulated & Unregulated w/ MOSFET

FINALLY our site is up!

Been adjusting our prices to sell on eBay and use Paypal, which has kept our boxes at a higher price then intended. Finally weve launched a website and adjusted our prices on there. The eBay pricing wont drop due to their fee's and policies. So save a chunk and order directly from us, you can place custom orders through our website as well. We offer Parallel & Series Unregulated boxes with MOSFET protection and Raptor & DNA chips upon request. We offer a variety of exotic woods and stabilized burls with a never ending variety of other options like our sharktooth or beercap box mods. Check out our site now and also our eBay as we clear out some older boxes on there.



Custom & Wholesale inquiries - LunaBoxMods@gmail.com

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